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Rapid Resolution Therapy

A Positive Solution for Life’s Tough Problems

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Sexual Issues
  • Rage
  • Resentment
  • Insomnia
  • Grief
  • Jealousy
  • Compulsions/Obsessions
  • Social Anxiety
  • Phobias-Fears
  • Negative Habits
  • Addiction/Dependency
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Self-Destructive Behavior
  • Guilt/Shame

What is Rapid Resolution Therapy?

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) was founded and developed by Dr. Jon Connelly.  Past events exerting a negative effect can range from experiences as “normal” as a sharp word from a teacher or parent to those as terrible as rape, torture and war. Dr. Connelly’s Rapid Resolution Therapy eliminates the negative emotional or behavioral influence of traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten. It is not necessary to relive past events or experience any pain. The mind is cleared, organized and optimized. There are dramatic improvements in thoughts, feelings and behavior. Unconscious conflicts blocking desired change are pinpointed and resolved. As the root cause of problems is cleared, positive change endures.

When something is traumatic it slams into awareness and leaves a lasting impression. Even when the experience is finished, deeper parts of the mind may continue to respond as if it is still occurring. It is as if this deeper part of the mind has not gotten the good news, the news that the painful experience is finished. Even experiences that have been repressed or consciously forgotten can continue to exert a negative influence. This may affect emotions, thinking, relationships, behavior and even health.

If you have been stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts or behaviors, it is likely that you are being affected by experiences from your past. Any experience that continues to exert a negative influence is traumatic. Not all traumatic events are horrifying or tragic. Sometimes traumatic experiences are remembered, but often they are repressed or forgotten.

In San Diego, I am the most experienced Certified Practitioner with the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy. Call me at 619-880-3557 if you are interested in Rapid Resolution Therapy. I can help you get unstuck.



Rapid Resolution Therapy® and Rapid Trauma Resolution® are both trademarks of Jon Connelly, LCSW, PhD.